Regular readers of my blog will note that I’ve been on a quest to achieve a good sourdough for years. First I had seemingly insurmountable issues just getting a starter going. Eventually though I managed to get a culture going. Next, I had challenges getting a bread going that would rise. I followed numerous recipes…
Category: In the Kitchen
Garlic Scape Pesto
I’m just about finished up the last wee cloves of garlic from last year’s harvest. It’s been hanging in my basement since last summer, where it kept very well. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I have two varieties planted this year, Music and Purple Glazer. Usually the scapes, the little flower heads that…
Brewing Day, and what to do with spent grain
Chris has recently taken up brewing again. He used to do it back before I met him, but he stopped because of how much work it is, and especially when you’re bottling it. Now he’s able to brew and keg the beer, and since we have a keg fridge, it’s a lot less headache. Our…
Inspired by Korean food
I recently discovered the fabulously awesome Korean cooking website and YouTube channel of Maangchi. Maangchi (aka Emily Kim) is a friend of my friend Youngja, who I met through Chris when we first started dating. She lives in New York and apparently has a worldwide following. It’s not hard to see why either, her videos…
My favourite recipe app
There are no shortages out there of recipe apps, especially customized ones for a specific brand. I’ve tried a few of them, but my favourite is called Paprika. Paprika is available for the iPhone, iPad and Mac (sorry Windows users!). And it uses the cloud to sync across all your devices. Found a great recipe…
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I hope you have a wonderful, love-filled day!
Forgive the tardy (and now married) blogger
It’s been a month already? What happened?! Oh yeah. A little thing called life. Chris and I are now married (yay!) and our wedding was a beautiful, blissful love-in with our family and friends. There are some photos floating around out there but I’m waiting to post about all the details until I get the…
What was I thinking??
I’m a beaten and battered locavore foodie tonight. As is my Virgoan tendency, I bit off more than I could chew. With Chris away on his San Diego bachelor party adventure (so jealous!) I decided to make the most of some new equipment I invested in recently, and get down to business canning. First on…
Beets galore
Last week after getting home from a weekend at the cottage I inspected the beet patch to see how things are going. Low and behold I had gargantuan Chioggias coming out of my ears. I should have known, as they are the earliest of the beets I like to grow. I also have some Detroit…
All warm and fluffy inside
This video was sent to my work Twitter account by the good people at Toronto Standard… I’m not entirely sure why they sent it there, but it’s one of those wonderful coincidences, because this video is far more relevant to me personally. This is a lovely profile of Toronto baker Jeff Connell, of Woodlot. I’ve…