Our wedding is right around the corner!! I can hardly believe it! We’re all ready to go; have just been doing some last few things as the countdown begins in earnest. There really isn’t anything major left to do but start carting loads of things up to the cottage, which we intend to do this weekend. I have lots to post about all the fun things we’ve been preparing for the big day, but I want to save it all up to surprise our guests.
In the meantime, how about some cute?!

Every day, every morning, every time we walk in the door, this is how she greets us. She wiggles her little bum and her nubby tail and goes and grabs the nearest bone or Kong toy she can find, and then makes circles around us. She started doing it around 7 or 8 months and has been doing it ever since. She also greats all our guests this way. Such a happy dog!