We’re mostly all finished with the wedding planning — in fact, I had pretty much everything figured out for it around the end of June. Now it’s simply a matter of booking everything, paying deposits, etc. It’s been going very smoothly and overall it’s been a pretty chill experience.
One of the things I’m super excited about is being the very first letterpress customer for Amanda Keenan of Silverplate Press! I know Amanda through my job at OCAD U and have had the pleasure of working with her there while she was our graphic design student monitor. She has since graduated and over the last year or so been working towards establishing her letterpress studio. She has two letterpresses — a wee small one and a Vandercook, which can handle larger jobs — I think up to 20 x 30 inches (although I’m not sure — she’s the expert!).
She’s been chronicling the development of the studio via her blog, and just last week, with the help of her husband Justin, posted an instructional video about how to remove rollers from the Vandercook. From what I know about letterpress, which isn’t a lot, there just aren’t a lot of experts around anymore that know how to work these babies.
I’m pretty excited about what’s to come off the press, and Amanda is pretty psyched too! It’s a huge pleasure for me to be able to help her get the business off the ground — both Chris and I are thrilled about being able to showcase Amanda’s great design skills in the very special art (and design) form of letterpress, as part of the lead up to our wedding. For a sneak peek at our design, click here. Bring on the ink!
Oh you are too sweet Sarah! What a cute post!! I can’t thank you enough. It’s been so much fun printing for you and Chris! There might be another sneak peak on the blog tomorrow. 😉