Bread porn is back!

Isn’t it ironic that when my paying day job becomes social media ALL DAY ALL NIGHT ALL THE TIME, my personal social media profile completely tanks? This is what happens when you’re the sole person responsible for breathing life into the social profile of a corporate brand. Sigh. Well despite this, I am starting to…

Arva Flour Mill needs your support

I’ve posted about the amazing, historic Arva Flour Mill before. Their fantastic, artisanal flours are second to none for those with a passion for baking, especially bread baking. I recently discovered the mill has launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise funds towards restoration work on the mill and its dam. They have a long way…

Fresh, locally milled flour

As part of developing my sourdough bread baking skills I wanted to try to find a local source of high quality, fresh wheat flour that was as unaltered as possible. Last fall my Dad was in the hospital in London, Ontario and Chris and I drove there to see him from Toronto. During the drive…

Sour goodness

Regular readers of my blog will note that I’ve been on a quest to achieve a good sourdough for years. First I had seemingly insurmountable issues just getting a starter going. Eventually though I managed to get a culture going. Next, I had challenges getting a bread going that would rise. I followed numerous recipes…

All warm and fluffy inside

This video was sent to my work Twitter account by the good people at Toronto Standard… I’m not entirely sure why they sent it there, but it’s one of those wonderful coincidences, because this video is far more relevant to me personally. This is a lovely profile of Toronto baker Jeff Connell, of Woodlot. I’ve…

Converting to the Church of Chad Robertson

On Monday I went to Kensington Market for my every three-month trip to the dentist, and took the opportunity to visit my favourite butcher in the city, Sanagan’s, as well as my favourite cook book store, Good Egg. Specifically I was on the hunt for a good bread book. I’ve been working with my sourdough…

Two years later, attempting sourdough again

Over the last couple of Christmases I’ve been gifted a couple books by Peter Reinhart, artisanal bread guru, that I had on my wish list on I finally got my act together this spring to try my hand once again at sourdough. I’ve had some success — and some fail — this time around….

Faking it

My sourdough experiments have left me massively frustrated and quite discouraged. Despite having had my starter do the bubbly-foamy dance that one time, it just hasn’t reacted the way recipes indicate it should every time I’ve fed it since. They say it’s supposed to foam up nearly double its size within about an hour of…

Sourdough starter SUCCESS!

It’s alive!!! It’s really alive!!! I’ve finally had some success creating a healthy sourdough starter. It’s only my second attempt, too. I used the recipe and time frame suggested by Eric of Breadtopia, which he credits to Peter Reinhart – someone who I really need to start reading more of, because apparently he is the…