
This week we had a bake sale at work in support of United Way Toronto. I took in some salsa (how could I not?) and baked up some of Smitten Kitchen’s Pumpkin Swirl Brownies. These were a little more work than I was expecting. I think I over whipped the batter base, and then when…

White Wine & Herb Jelly

Well if today is any indication, winter is practically upon us (what the hey?? SNOW??). But I have a couple more canning tricks up my sleeve. A few years ago I made a white wine and herb jelly which is really lovely for using as a glaze on roasted meats, or to serve with a…

OK, OK here’s a recipe!!

So since the Ecoholic TV video started broadcasting there’s been some clamoring for a recipe for making salsa, along with step-by-step canning details. I pretty much approach every batch of salsa differently by including whatever ingredients I happen to feel like at the moment and I encourage you to experiment…but for those die-hard instruction followers,…

Me = guest star on Ecoholic TV!

This just in – fresh picked video on how to can your own salsa at home, starring yours truly…ME!  NOW magazine doesn’t allow me to embed the video (grrrr!!!) so have a visit to the NOW Ecoholic TV cast page and watch! Enjoy!!

Eat this Heinz!

I was watching an episode of Jamie at Home the other day and was totally inspired to make my own ketchup as a way to use up a big bag of frozen cherry and yellow pear tomatoes I had from my garden. It’s getting to be the end of the season, for real, with real…

Going straight to my hips

The sixth season of Rick Bayless’s cooking show Mexico, One Plate at a Time was airing on PBS this summer and one of the episodes featured several different kinds of ice cream. One of the recipes was for Mexican Chocolate Chile Ice Cream (Helado de Chocolate y Chile Pasilla) and I was smitten. It looked…

For the love of tomatillos

It’s a rainy day in the neighbourhood and I’ve been up to some serious cooking. I made what may be my final batch of salsa for the year, although there are still a large number of tomatoes out on the vine trying to ripen so I may have to put those guys to use in…

Learning to Salsa

I’ve dabbled in canning here and there periodically over the years, but last summer I was bitten by the canning bug, badly. The inspiration was probably due in part to my ever-increasing infatuation with local food, as much as it was to harvesting my first real crop of homegrown veggies. I had an abundance of…

Kimchi for the masses

Kimchi isn’t for everyone. Making it at home is certainly not for everyone. But I have a confession to make. After only really trying kimchi in the last few years, I’ve become rather addicted, and I even find myself craving it. The stuff you can buy pre-made isn’t too bad, especially because Toronto has a…