Oh noooooooooooo!!!!

This morning, as I was just taking my first few sips of coffee and wondering how much darker it was going to get with the impending storm, I started hearing a rumbling coming from the west…it grew louder and louder until suddenly golf ball sized hail began to crash down on everything! It was rather…

April showers bring May flowers

Just trying to get through the work days… and one of the things that helps is coming home and enjoying the changes in my garden.

Kamikaze robin

Thank God for three day old pizza and toaster ovens. That’s what’s going through my mind after a four-hour marathon board meeting on the Monday preceding the 10 busiest days of the work year for me, at 10 p.m. in the evening, only 15 minutes after I walked through the door. The Monday after missing…

I am so sick of being sick.

I haven’t done a full tally but I am quite sure I’ve used up at least half of my sick days from work this year already. I started coughing again on Saturday night, and well, after the work day I’d had I figured I had just over done it and my cold that I caught…

And now I have raised beds!

…and a replanted front and back lawn, trimmed oak and locust trees, and loads more dirt and composted horse manure! We did some seriously back breaking hard labour this weekend. It started on Friday when I had a ginormous load of triple mix delivered onto our front lawn, from the folks at Jenkins Soil, and…

Yes, carrots do grow in the ground

I know things have been a little slow on the blog updating lately and I do apologize. I do have lots to post about, soon enough, but there are some things going on that have me a bit distracted. A very long post is coming soon… However, in the spirit of the spring and the…

Quickie garden update

Did you hear? The Obamas are going to put a veggie garden on the White House lawn!! Well if they can do it there, who’s to tell me I can’t do it on mine? Posh neighborhood be damned! I’m just posting a little update that we purchased the lumber to build the raised beds this…

Let there be life!

After only a week I have a gazillion tomato seedlings! Oh and okra too. The only thing that hasn’t popped up yet are any of the chiles, but that’s not surprizing, as they tend to take quite a bit longer to germinate. Now the big question is, where will I put them all once they…


The weather this week has been off the hook. But do you think I’ve been able to enjoy any of it? Absolutely not. I’ve been chained to my desk at work due to some “emerging situations” – so much so that when I walked out into the sunshine for the first time since 8:15 a.m.,…

Nature in the city

The other night I was out walking Zeus and heard the most unusual sound (please, have a listen!). It was about 11 p.m. so I knew it had to be some kind of night jar or owl, but it sounded like no other kind of owl I’d heard before. It was kind of faint, but…