Our kitchen island has been installed (no countertop yet), as well as the beginnings of the living room cabinetry. Everything is a little saw dusty but otherwise looking fabulous. I’m not yet sure when the new Ikea cabinet facings will go in but likely soon. The beginning stages of our move start this weekend —…
Author: Sarah Mulholland
I messed up
So… I kinda screwed up. The kitchen cabinets were installed last week, and it soon became clear that something was wrong. See those cabinets? Do they look pink to you? Yeah. I thought so too. And so did Chris. And so we found ourselves at Ikea on Saturday morning looking at their display of cabinet…
The count down is on
Hello November! I am SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU! You’ve arrived just in time. I don’t think I’ve ever been more thrilled to see you! We’re now in our final month before the house is due to be ready. December can’t come soon enough. We’ve had more than a few frustrated outbursts. These can’t be…
Gettin’ real!
We hit lots of milestones with the house this past week. Today we checked on the place and voila! Drywall! We had two blower-door tests this week and were able to identify and patch up LOTS of air gaps, just in time for the drywallers to come in and make the place look like a…
Soon, drywall
Slowly but surely, our house renovation is moving along. Almost all our new windows have been installed. We weren’t planning on doing that upstairs one at the front of the house, until we saw how awful it looked next to the brand new ones, so that one has been ordered to. By the way I…
Arva Flour Mill needs your support
I’ve posted about the amazing, historic Arva Flour Mill before. Their fantastic, artisanal flours are second to none for those with a passion for baking, especially bread baking. I recently discovered the mill has launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise funds towards restoration work on the mill and its dam. They have a long way…
Hey, I made another video
I think I’m getting better at this. Our volunteer alumni had such a hoot being hand models. They really are fantastic people.
Life is short, even when it’s long
I count myself to be very fortunate. I live a privileged life. I was brought up in a stable, loving family where there were reliable, consistent rules and expectations, consequences when you did wrong, and rewards when you did well. I was taught the satisfaction that comes from hard work with one’s hands. I was…
Hey I made a video
This isn’t the first video I’ve ever made of course, but it is the first I’ve made in my official capacity as OCAD University’s first ever 100% full-time social media staffer, a new position I was hired into about a month ago. I’ll be the first to admit it’s far from polished, perfect or even…