Now that I have a solid three years of regular canning under my belt (not counting growing up around a mom and a grandmother who canned a lot of food, or the years living on my own when I occasionally made jam), I’ve started to get a pretty good repertoire of favourite “must-make-next-year” recipes to…
Author: Sarah Mulholland
On the cusp of tomato bounty
It won’t be long now before I have tomatoes coming out of my ears. I totally welcome this, except I kinda didn’t think through the fact that I’m going to be away for the last two weeks of August, which is about when most of them will be ripening. Thankfully I have a whole crew…
7 days far from city life
Things have been quiet on the blog-front, and I do apologize. I’ve been living in a hay field, in a hammock, with no running water, no plumbing and a couple of horses and dogs for company. Okay well more like 70 horses and at least a dozen dogs. Oh, and some people. I spent my…
Bread & Butter Pickles
Growing up there was always a constant supply of pickles of every kind available on the table, with every meal. If my mother wasn’t making them, my grandmother was definitely keeping us well stocked. If I remember correctly, my mother made mostly dills, as well as pickled beets, while my grandmother made a bit of…
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie
I think it was back in the fall when I mentioned I was going to take on my irrational fear of pie pastry head on and kick butt. I am proud to say I have mastered this fine form of dessert, and here is the proof: Yes, there is only one photo. Because it disappeared….
Serenity now, serentity now, serenity now…
Gotta love when the shit hits the fan at work, in the middle of summer, when things are supposed to be chill. Oh well. Looking at this photo will help: The farm is my happy place. There is a certain change of pace that happens the moment I arrive there. And then there are the…
Pickled Chioggia Heirloom Beets
It’s the time of year when there is a distinct lag between when I do something and when I can actually get it posted to this site. There is a lot of maintenance now on the garden. Every year about now I begin to second guess if I could handle more veggie gardens, despite how…
I has carrots!
And beets, and tomatoes, and kohlrabi, and…and…and… The garden is really coming into it’s own. The tomatoes have been staked and I’ve already picked two! That’s right, two tomatoes and it’s only July 6th. They’re Stupice, a Czech heirloom variety that I grew last year and are known to be spectacularly early. They’re a smaller…
Mid-week holiday
It’s Canada Day today and it’s a Wednesday. I’m not complaining about having a holiday at any time, but it kind of has the same effect that moving our Daylight Savings Time around — it throws my sense of timing right out the window. Last night felt like a Friday, and I have to keep…