As we worked our way through the final stretch of our Cape Breton tour, we passed through the town of Mabou, where I began to notice signs for Bellemeade Farm, selling hand spun yarn, sheepskins, hand knits, etc. I got really excited because while we had seen many places selling hand knit mittens and socks…
Author: Sarah Mulholland
East Coast Trip Part III
It took us about half the day to drive from Port aux Basques in Newfoundland where the ferry landed to drive up to Gros Morne. And what a drive! I cannot express just how starkly beautiful Newfoundland is. The west coast drive takes you along the remnants of the Appalachian Mountains, and we were going…
East Coast Tour, Part II
After our time in Fundy National Park and exploring around Chignecto Bay and Moncton, we headed on a marathon jaunt into Nova Scotia with Louisbourg, in Cape Breton, as our destination. We stopped in at the Visitor Centre in Amherst, as we entered Nova Scotia, where we were “piped in” by a bagpipe player. It…
Amid the crazy, slowly catching up on photos
Oh how I love September. The month of insanity at my job, the month of tomato bounty and the month of about a dozen friends’ and family’s birthdays, including my own. Oh and then there’s the Film Festival. And catching up around the garden after vacation in August. And did I mention work? Hoo-boy don’t…
Finally finished
It’s time for an FO (finished object, for all you non-knitters who read this site)! I started this scarf A FULL YEAR AGO, when I was off work recovering from my surgery. It’s knitted with the South West Trading Company Pure soy silk yarn, which is luxuriously soft and plied in three lovely colours to…
My man has been published!
If you’ve never heard of Toronto author Tilda Shalof, a.k.a. Nurse Tilda, you don’t know what you’re missing. Go out there right now and get her books A Nurse’s Story and The Making of a Nurse (these are the two I’ve read so far) — they are absolutely riveting reads. Her books are fascinating, insider…
Tomato download
Whew… it’s been a heck of a weekend. We got back from our crazy 8+ hr drive from Quebec City on Friday around dinnertime, and then rushed about trying to get the lawn cut and the copious tomato bounty harvested before the rain started. I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed to…
Whale watching
So we finally got off The Rock at 4 p.m. on Monday. We made great time, and it looked like we were going to land in North Sydney at about 8:30, we were just off shore, when they announced it would be midnight before we docked, because of another ship in harbour we had to…
On hurricanes, ferries and moose
We’re just over mid-way through our holiday and we’ve hit a bit of a snag. We were supposed to be taking the ferry back to Cape Breton today from Newfoundland but there’s this little hurricane getting in the way – Hurricane Bill. We first heard about it when we arrived a week ago in Fundy…
A quickie, from the east
Just about to check out of the Fairmont Algonquin, a beautiful historic hotel in St. Andrews by-the-sea, New Brunswick. In all the crazy to prepare to leave for two weeks holidays, I didn’t get a chance to update my blog with anything exciting. This might be the last reliable Internet connection we have for a…