Well… yesterday, the first day of November, I harvested the very last of my veggies, the single head of radicchio that didn’t bolt in the spring, the teeny parsnips and the skinny leeks. We grilled the leeks and the radicchio and dressed them simply with a little balsamic, lemon, olive oil and salt and pepper,…
Author: Sarah Mulholland
On to the next holiday season
This year Chris and I did a little more Halloween decoration than usual. I had bought a couple of beautiful pumpkins a week ago, and made the mistake of leaving them out on the porch to be admired. Well apparently a couple fuzzy little black creatures enjoyed admiring them too. So I had to go…
And the relay begins!
This morning marked the official start of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Torch Relay. I’m not particularly excited about the Olympics normally, but I guess as a Canadian I am pretty proud that we’re hosting them. I’ve heard a lot of negativity about what Vancouver residents have had to put up with in the preparations. Hopefully…
A night out dancin’ and a day at the zoo
Last night I saw Thievery Corporation again at Kool Haus, with my buddy Alice. They’re making a victory lap on the Radio Retaliation tour, celebrating the album’s Grammy nomination this year. It was virtually the same show that I saw at February, with the exception that last night was opened by Ocote Soul Sounds, another…
OK, so I’m not so quick on the draw
I was just perusing the Toronto Craft Alert website and found my Simpson’s Donut had been featured back in July! This cold/flu thing I have still has a grip on me. I only had a fever for about a half a day, but the sore throat is going on four days and my sinuses are…
Well, it’s definitely flu season. Cause if it’s going around, I’ll get it. This week I’ve been laid up with some kinda bug that had me in bed for about 20 hrs straight and feverish. I’m still feeling like crap and stuffed up with a nasty sore throat. Boo. We enjoyed a little tour around…
The quest for pear butter
So now that I’m fully initiated into the iPhone cult, I can post to my blog while we drive to the cottage! No, I’m not doing the driving. Ever since I had the vanilla pear butter with artisanal cheeses at the now dead-pooled restaurant Locavore, I’ve wanted to make my own version. I hated pears…
Last of the summer veggies
Well I think fall has officially arrived, with all this cool, windy, wet weather. I’m not really complaining — we actually did need a good rain. But I had hoped we’d get a little more warm weather and sun to help me ripen off the last of the tomatoes. I’m leaving them out there for…