Hello my neglected little blog. Where have I been? I’ve been having quite the autumn. For several weeks I felt like I was in an angry, unhappy, depressed, grumpy spiral. I was kind of hating my job (I know, who doesn’t at one time or another?), feeling a bit bored (with no creative projects on…
Author: Sarah Mulholland
For the love of beer
Because of the meds I’m on to treat my rheumatoid arthritis, I’ve pretty much backed off drinking completely, although I do still indulge in a beer once in a while. If you’re a regular reader of my blog you already know that Chris and I adore craft beer (have I mentioned he’s working on a…
Backpacks for the kiddies
This is a bit of a late post — I kind of forgot about posting this project until I came across the photos while doing some photo housekeeping. I made these two backpacks for my niece and nephew’s birthdays, which are usually celebrated on the same day at one big party because their dates are…
Happy autumn!
I’ve been a bit absent from my blog again lately. I really don’t have any single excuse but rather a critical accumulation of more minor demands on my time that leave me completely exhausted and drained at the end of each day. I’ve been working at recovering from some tendonitis in my ankle so that…
A furry new paddling companion
I padded this past weekend with a couple extra days since it was my birthday and all, and we took off to the woods on a fairly last minute camping trip. Our friend Mike, who lives in San Diego, was going to be in town and as one of our elite camping/paddling pals, suggested we…
Bucket List Trip to Norway, Part 6
My last post on Norway, I swear! But this one is perhaps full of the most spectacular scenery of all. It was also probably one of my most frustrated times on our trip. If you’ve ever seen any marketing literature, videos or books about Norway, this site is featured prominently. It’s a jaw dropping cliff…
Bucket List Trip to Norway, Part 5
After Oslo we finally hooked up with my long-time friend Guro and her husband Preben and beautiful kids, Helene and Kyrre. This was my first time meeting the kids, and it had been nine years since I’d seen Guro and Preben, when they visited me in Canada. We took the train to Tønsberg from just…
Bucket List Trip to Norway, Part 4
The next stop for us in Norway was Oslo. We’d been warned by other travellers that the prices in Oslo were astronomical, which we thought was curious, since we already felt that the rest of Norway was insanely pricey. I mean, how much worse could it get? And really, it was no different than the…
Bucket List Trip to Norway, Part 3
If you’re just joining me here at DiggintheDirt, I’m slowly working my way through over 1600 photos taken this past July during our few weeks in Norway. You can read about Tromsø, north of the Arctic Circle, over here in Part 1, and our stay in Bergen, over here, at Part 2. This week I’m posting…