Christmas? What Christmas? Has it been Christmas?
Because I missed ALL of it. I’ve been at home with the plague.
It started the week before my holiday vacation started — I missed two days of work but was able to get back on the Friday to see my colleagues off for the break. I thought I was on the mend. But round two started around December 22, and by 5:30 a.m. on December 24 I was no longer able to stand the swelling pain in my my throat. I swore I had strep throat. A trip to the doctor that morning said no (thank goodness) but I was sent home with instructions to use both of my asthma puffers in conjunction with each other and do frequent deep breathing exercises to stave off pneumonia. PNEUMONIA.
So I spent Christmas Eve, Day and Boxing Day at home, and didn’t get to do any of the family gatherings. Which I was looking forward to especially because I’m 7 months pregnant and would be seeing many family that we really generally see only once a year. But it wasn’t to be.
I’m coming out the other side, but I’m still hacking up a lung and unable to sleep very well. My sinuses are a wreck. And I’m still avoiding the public. But at least I have some energy to do stuff around the house now, which is better than before. Crossing my fingers that I will be able to salvage our New Year’s plans to visit friends in Ottawa.
Wishing you, dear reader, a very healthy 2015.