I’ve been a bit absent from my blog again lately. I really don’t have any single excuse but rather a critical accumulation of more minor demands on my time that leave me completely exhausted and drained at the end of each day. I’ve been working at recovering from some tendonitis in my ankle so that I can get back into the workout routine that was going so well before I overdid it. I was caught off guard at work this fall, thinking it would be a calmer, more relaxed pace than in previous years only to be smacked upside the head with several big stories out of the blue. And then there are the birthdays, anniversaries and family gatherings and holidays.
We closed up our cabin on Redstone Lake on Thanksgiving weekend, among the spectacular colour show that is autumn’s last hoorah. I’m sure by now the leaves are mostly off the trees up there, but here in the city we’re still seeing some green here and there, although we’ve had at least one good frost and the weather is definitely turning. This weekend we’re finally home and I can take care of some of the last garden jobs: emptying and storing the rain barrels, putting away the hoses and so on.
Anyway, I hope to be back again soon with more regular content, especially on the cooking side. Now that fall is here I’ve been doing a bit of baking, stocking up on squash, simmering soups and trying out making some more spicy Korean dishes at home so we eat out less (we have a bit of an addiction to Korean food).
Lovely shot!