All winter I’ve been marveling at for possibly the first time in my adult life, I’ve gone without catching the common cold since early November. I’m not sure what the formula for that has been — yes, I’ve been working out more, but I’ve still had my fair share of stress, I haven’t shed that much weight after the initial few pounds, and I’ve been living with a guy who has brought home at least 7 or 8 versions of the common cold during that time.
But alas. The streak is over. I guess it had to end sometime.
I’m happy it happened this week though — and early in this week. I have a conference later this week that I want to be bright-eyed for, and I start a whopping two weeks of vacation as of the weekend. Woo hoo! So I might as well get it out of my system now.
And so while I wallow in my misery, I’ll post a few photos of our brief trip to High Park here in Toronto a week ago to see the Sakura (cherry) trees in blossom. They were spectacular, as were the crowds there to see them too. We weren’t in much of a mood to deal with them, but I snapped off a few photos anyway.